Friday, March 16, 2012


Well, I did something right. Only 24 hours later, did my kale and collard seeds start germinating! I kind of figured these would be the ones that would germinate first, only because last season I sowed them directly into the beds and they came up crazy fast. Either way, the whole seed to food process still fascinates me.

Little germinating Collard seed

My favorite seed so far has to be the Rainbow Swiss Chard. I'm a sucker for anything with obscure texture and color. So when these little guys started popping up, my heart melted a bit.

Rainbow Swiss Chard

Overall, both beds are doing great! I'm so happy, and really, this is all much easier than I anticipated. I'm still getting the outside ready for planting; I did toss some flower seeds in some of our containers today since it was so nice out. It might be a little early, but I figured why not and see what happens!

More of the little guys

My puppy and some spring flowers


  1. Sarah-what happened to you on FB? Miss you. Email me if you aren't on FB. or call/text 8509338037

  2. Oh! Your swiss chard is beautiful. I started mine from seed in the garden and it is starting to fill out a bit. YAY.

    1. I love growing Swiss Chard! The colors absolutely fascinate me! Best to you and your garden this season, Crelatia!
